Crystal plasticity simulation studying the effects of cold rolling deformation and heat treatment on the texture and planar anisotropy of 7085 aluminum alloy
TAN Xin, ZHANG Zhichen, TANG Sai, XIAO Daihong, LIU Wensheng
Powder Metallurgy Research Institute, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Abstract:The effects of cold rolling deformation and heat treatment on texture composition and plastic strain ratio r of 7085 aluminum alloy were investigated by XRD, EBSD, and tensile experiments combined with crystal plasticity simulation. The effects of five ideal textures on average plastic strain ratio and planar anisotropy index |Δr| were analyzed. The results show that when the deformation increases from 50% to 80% during cold rolling, the volume fraction of S texture increases the most (10.9%), the volume fraction of Copper texture increases the least (2.9%), and the recrystallization texture changes little. After heat treatment, the Brass, S, and Copper textures of the alloys are weakened, when the deformation amount is 80%, the S texture decreases the most (15.9%) and the Copper texture decreases the least (2.4%); the Cube texture increases, and the larger the deformation is, the more significant the increase is; the Goss texture change is not obvious. The |Δr| value of cold-rolled alloy is higher than that of aged alloy; with the increase of cold rolling deformation, the value of cold rolled alloy increases gradually, the value of aged alloy decreases gradually, and the |Δr| value increases gradually. Rolled texture Δr<0 while recrystallization texture Δr>0. The Goss texture mainly provides resistance to deformation in the 90° direction, while the Cube texture has little difference in r value in the three directions.
谭鑫, 张智晨, 唐赛, 肖代红, 刘文胜. 晶体塑性模拟研究冷轧变形与热处理对7085铝合金织构及平面各向异性的影响[J]. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程, 2024, 29(6): 464-476.
TAN Xin, ZHANG Zhichen, TANG Sai, XIAO Daihong, LIU Wensheng. Crystal plasticity simulation studying the effects of cold rolling deformation and heat treatment on the texture and planar anisotropy of 7085 aluminum alloy. Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy, 2024, 29(6): 464-476.
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