Numerical simulation of process parameters for selective laser sintering of coal gangue/PES composite materials |
QU Fang, ZHAI Qin, YUAN Kai, WANG Pingshan, SU Dan |
School of Mechanical Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150022, China |
Abstract Based on the Gaussian heat source model, thermal conductivity model, and Flow-3D software, a powder particle model of coal gangue and polyethersulfone (PES) powder, as well as a three-dimensional model of coal gangue/PES (CPES) composite material powder bed, were established to numerically simulate the temperature field during the selected laser sintering process of CPES composites. The influences of laser power, scanning speed, and scanning space on the formation of single and double pass sintered layers were studed, the values of sintering process parameters was predicted and verified through experiments. The results show that when the laser power is 15 W, the average temperature of the melten pool is 596 K, the impact strength of the sintered part is 179.4 MPa, the melt path is relatively straight, the spheroidization phenomenon disappears, and the bonding with the powder is good, forming a high-quality melt path; When the scanning speed is 1 800 mm/s, the average depth of the molten pool is 99 um, the average width is 200 μm, and the impact strength of the sintered part is 173.5 MPa, the melting area is almost circular, the length of the melten pool is the shortest, the heat accumulation in the melt path is significant, and no deflection phenomenon is found; When the scanning space is 100 μm, the overlap rate of the melt path is 60.8%, and the impact strength of the sintered part is 176.2 MPa, the surface transition of the overlap area between two melt paths is smooth and continuous, without any holes or spheroidization phenomenon.
Received: 12 January 2024
Published: 26 March 2024
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