Phase field simulation of the effect of doped solute grain boundary segregation and solute dragging on the growth behavior of nano-sized alumina |
SHI Jie, TANG Sai, YAO Shuwei, WU Chaozhong, MA Yunzhu, LIU Wensheng |
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on High-strength Structural Materials, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China |
Abstract Phase field simulations combined with sintering experiments were used to study the grain growth behavior and the kinetics of nano alumina under the influence of solute element grain boundary segregation. By introducing the solute dragging effect into the phase field model of alumina polycrystalline grain growth, and relating the solute dragging intensity to the intracrystalline solute atom concentration and atomic equilibrium bias ratio, under various solute atoms equilibrium bias ratios at grain boundaries and initial intracrystalline solute atom concentrations, the growth behavior of alumina grains were investigated, furthermore, the anomalous growth phenomenon of alumina grains with different solute dragging intensity was quantitatively analyzed. By comparing the average size and morphological evolution of the grains, the results of the phase field simulations are consistent with the experimental growth behavior of lanthanum oxide doped nano alumina grains. The results show that the growth of alumina grains is significantly inhibited by the very strong solute dragging effect, leading to a slow growth. While the low solute dragging effect has no significant inhibitory effect on grain growth. From the simulated microstructure evolution results, grain boundary segregation may also trigger the abnormal growth of a few alumina grains, and the specific grains may grow rapidly with overcoming the solute drag effect during the growing process, resulting in the loss of material properties.
Received: 27 March 2023
Published: 21 September 2023
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